Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize - DISCUSS

So, President Obama has won this year's Nobel prize for peace. I must admit that when I saw the headline I thought 'huh?' I couldn't think of any ongoing war he had stopped or any impending war he had avoided, or really anything that showed that he was working towards world peace. You see there's a reason that some people are on the Nobel committee and some (me) are not.

The committee explained his winning is a sign that they want to support what he is aiming for; his efforts in ridding the world of nuclear weapons, the immediate closure of Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay and his push for peace in the Middle East to mention a few of his peaceful pursuits. Now although all these things are true and do represent a goal of 'world peace', critics might well say, "but he hasn't actually done all of it", I mean in winning the prize President Obama is in the company of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, German scientist Albert Schweitzer, Dr. Martin Luther King and Mohamed ElBeradai all of whom were awarded for tireless efforts or lifetime work in the 'field' of peace. Are 10 months as US president and 'good ideas' enough to deserve a place in the often controversial list of Peace Prize Laureates?

I don't know, as I continued to read I agreed with the reasons behind his success, it is very important to encourage and support those who strive for the good, there are too many people giving props to drug dealers - Curtis Warren listed included in the Times Rich List as if he's making an honest living , paedophiles - the furore over Roman Polanski's arrest for drugging and raping a 13 year old, cheats, warmongers and other such unsavoury characters.

Well done Barack, let's just hope that your speeches, good intentions, and awards are not your only legacy.


8 opinionated people have something to say:


hmmm, I just heard about this on the radio not more than 30 minutes ago. My initial reaction was that the Nobel Committee was jumping on the 'Obama' bandwagon, quite frankly. I mean, the prize is given to people who have done something and I was stunned it was given to Obama simply for giving "hope".

That in itself, I don't have a problem with, but I wonder about it, nonetheless. What if Obama does something really good, like, oh, I don't know bring some real peace to people in some region that needs it? Will he get another prize?

Anyway, I wish the man the best, this is indeed an incredible honor and there is no question that his speeches have been inspiring. Clearly, that was enough for the Nobel committee and that is all that matters.

Nice blog, BTW.


Anonymous said...

i dont really know anything about this nobel prize and frankly i dont care.but curtis warren listed in the rich list when its obvious that he is in the drug business?na wa oh.

Mike said...

I think Obama has done some things since coming to power. If Bush & Cheney had a few more months, US & Iran would be exchanging bombs by now. If Mcain was in power, I'm very sure he would have pissed North korea off by now for them to mash up California.
In addition to that, his goodwill & goals are sound. I can't think of anyone that deserves it considering these troubling times. Any suggestions?

Nsoromma...Child of the Heavens said...

I'm not sure that good ideas should be enough to warrant a whole nobel peace prize! I thin he should have been given more time to see how it all panned out a bit.

@ Mike - Yes, if not Obama then who? It's a sad day when they cannot find anyone worthy of this prize. But I'm sure if they looked in some warring country (there are many to choose from) they could have found someone, and it may have been doubly helpful because in raising that person's profile the prize could help a cause? Just an idea

Sankofa said...

I agree with the sentiment that this award was handed out for intentions rather than actual acts but also like Mike, I find myself wondering who else would have been more deserving? It's not a simple one this...

Edward of PathGhana said...

As you said earlier, there is a reason we are not on the committee. I think the award is not over and above him!

ManCee said...

Hmmm...Lets hope it isnt just 'talk talk'.

I like the bros and my whole being wishes him well...so does a whole lotta people that I begin to worry about the concept of "Over-expecting", as opposed to "Under-performing".

Big Ups to him though...

The pale observer said...

Good points here. My first thought was the Barack's award was too soon...

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